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Friday, May 22, 2009


If you've been following my blog in the past few days, you'll have seen my submission for Kristina Werner's colour challenge #52. My first challenge EVAH! (I'd been stalking for a long time, but not brave enough to participate).

This morning, I wake up and do the email and blog visit routine where I drink coffee and enjoy 'coffee for my eyeballs' ...which is what I call all of the wonderful visual creations posted by the paper ARTISTS I follow. There's a few comments to my blog, which makes my heart smile. Then I have an out of body, surreal, mind-blasting experience when I realize a few of the comments are telling me that I've made Kristina's top 20 picks for the challenge!

Envision coffee only half raised to lips, one eyebrow lifted, my brain racing...."top 20? There's a top 20? What does that mean"?

I DO follow Kristina's blog, so I'm slightly confused by the top 20 only because...... I know it as "The Roundup". THE ROUNDUP....

MY card made it to THE roundup....the one at the end of the challenge where the mighty Kristina whom I adore picks her favourites, puts their little images in a uber cool little collage and shows them to all of internet-dom (okay that's not a word) to feast their crafty eyes upon?

MY THE roundup!

Why don't you go on over to Kristina's and feast your eyes upon the roundup, there is a herd of crafty goodness just waiting for you to point and click!

Isn't it pretty? I love the collage...(see me in the third row down, first card...yay!) Click on the image to go to Kristina's blog and see it all for yourself (bigger and better!)

Hugs, D.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How Challenging!

I have a confession.

I have a few sweet blogs that I visit all of the time with my morning coffee. They are like coffee for my eyeballs in the morning. They get my eyes and creative soul up and jumpin', ready to proceed with the day.

One particular blog I visit routinely is Kristina Werner's blog. A few days ago, my eyes feasted upon her new colour challenge. She has a new one every week. The challenge has a groovy picture for inspiration, and with it a colour swatch of 'mandatory' colours that are to be used in your creation.

I loved the colours.

The colours drove me to do something I've never done in my 3+ years as a papercrafter.....I MADE SOMETHING FOR THE CHALLENGE! And if I may toot my own horn, it's kinda pretty!

So here is the inspiration picture for Challenge #52

Here's my creation, do you LIKE it? :)

This mini-card folio uses the Thoughts and Prayers stamp set (tree), Oval All Stamp set, the coordinating Scalloped Oval punch, a white Button Latte' flower button, Taffeta "Kraft coloured" ribbon, whisper white/so saffron/baja breeze/more mustard/kraft cardstock and inks. (All Stampin' Up! products were used).

Here's a few close-ups of the project:

First, the inside of the folio, holds a few little 'note cards' and envelopes. I plan to use mine as hostess gifts for ladies who book parties. They deserve a little something special! The note cards they can decorate and embellish with sentiments of their choice! Cool hey?

Next up is a close up of the embellishment. I just love these little buttons, they are so sweet and add a classy touch, I think it compliments the scallop oval very nicely! If you want to browse our fabulous products and accessories you can visit my online store here.

Last but not least....a zoom in on the paper piercing! I love my Crafter's Tool Kit. Faux stitching and paper piercing are a wonderful techniques that add a little texture to a project without going over the top. Check it out:

Here's a snapshot of the main stamp set that I used. I have a feeling I'll be using it a lot more :) You can click on the photos to see them in a larger format.

If you are in the Edmonton area and would like to host a Stampin' Up! party, contact me through my website here and I'll be bringing this cute little gifty to YOU! Click here to view the fun and benefits of having a home party where I bring the fun and crafting to your home.
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